By Naina Lal Kidwai. Grade: A
There couldn’t have been a better editor for this book than Naina Lal Kidwai. An extraordinary business leader, she brings to us success stories of the 30 most powerful women, who’ve broken all stereotypes and notions attached to women in power. Their stories are a living proof that women are not only ‘for the hearth’ but can battle their way out in any pitch of the world. These women are pioneers and have led large organizations, be it in the banking sector, law firms, media advertising or health care; they’ve carved a niche for themselves in their workplace, and in the country.
30 women in power
30 Women in Power carries the inimitable voices of Indian women who have been pioneers and led large organizations – in banking, law, the media, advertising, government services, health care, consulting, the fast-moving consumer goods sector and the not-for-profit space. In these narratives – told up, close and personal – thirty of India’s greatest women achievers speak of the guiding principles that have held them in good stead, the role models who have anchored them, the childhood influences that have shaped their values and the interests outside the world of work that have revitalized them. Coming from all walks of life, these empowered women discuss their many successes and their dreams for the future. Yet, they also venture to disclose the setbacks that have preceded hard-won conquests, the barriers, psychological or otherwise, that may have held them back at certain points and the compromises they’ve had to make to reach the top.
The editor takes us up close to each of the 30 women in this narrative and also feels remorse for not having been able to include more icons in her work. Nevertheless, 30 Women in Power is a beautiful book that celebrates women in all their glory and is dedicated exclusively to the outstanding women who are contributing to the world, breaking down barriers of gender stereotypes. “The Sum and the Substance”, a note by the writer herself, gives us a glimpse into the mindset of successful women, their ideology and principles, and the trade-off between work and family life. What is the common denominator to all these women? Hard-work and a very supportive family. Nina gives us six keys to success – passion, ambition, humility, integrity, hard-work and the willingness to take chances. Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
The narrative is breezy. It floats around and gently envelopes, carrying us right into the situation as we see it unfold in front of our own eyes.
“I am a firm believer in bringing people together to make great things happen and leveraging the power of collaboration in the broader ecosystem, across industry bodies and companies.”
These are Anjali Bansal’s words enriched in wisdom, and so are many others, that inspire us to never limit work to only our personal growth, but to collaborate and make it a symbiotic relationship. Aruna Jayanthi’s words ring true in my mind-“There is nothing like a good challenge to get the adrenaline going.” These women have taken the bull by its horns and chased every obstacle till it turned around and walked away.
This book is a testimony to the inspiring journey these women undertook and brings to us a powerful voice-the voice of determination, acumen, success and inspiration. It makes for an exceptionally compelling read and each page is a journey that you would definitely enjoy, all glistening in the myriad colors of highs and lows in the lives of these women, engaged in bringing the business economy of our country to the forefront.