Frequently Asked Questions

For Authors/Publicists/Publishers

As people who work with books, you've come across difficult moments when you want to ask "Can someone write my outline for me because I can't manage my time properly?" and here is the answer: yes, it is First of all, you should understand that books are created with the involvement of a wide range of possibilities of the author and the audience, and therefore reviews and interviews (read about its value in Exploring the effectiveness of the interview format for engaging readers with local authors and their books) - are complex, integral parts of understanding.

Q. What sorts of book do you review?
We accept books from most genres to review, except the following:

  1. Children’s Books/Picture Books
  2. Christian Fiction
  3. Fitness
  4. Guides (food/travel/etc)
  5. Middle Grade Fiction
  6. Poetry
  7. Self-Help
  8. Short Stories (A collection would do, though).
  9. Erotica

Non-genre wise, we review:

  1. Review Copies given to us
  2. Advanced Reader Copies
  3. Books we have brought from our own money
  4. Books from the library

Reviewers at VaultofBooks review paperbacks, hardbacks, e-books and galleys that they have bought with their money, taken from a library, as well as the books that have been given as ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) and Review Copies (RCs) by publishing houses, publicists or authors.

Though we generally prefer to review books that have recently released, sometimes we do review books that were published in the last decade.

Q. Why should I choose you?
VoB is different from the several hundred reviewing websites out there. Firstly, this is not some nineteen year old’s personal blog who reviews books on the side. It is not also an e-zine which has movie reviews, book reviews along with food reviews. Instead of branching out, the entire team is concentrated on one thing: books. And that is where we branch out. In addition to reviews, we have interviews, contests, blog tours, featured authors and many other features.

We also have the distinction of being the first such website in India. It first started as a summer project by two sisters in April 2011. In the last year, it has come a long way with over twenty five highly professional reviewers and over five hundred book reviews (September 2012). Today, we are in close connection with the publicists of most of the major publishers in India.

Another thing which gives us an edge over other such websites is the diversity of our reviewers. While some of our reviewers have advanced degrees in the English language, others are fourteen year old students. If we get a memoir to review, we are not going to give it to someone who reads mostly chick-lit. This way, she may not even like the book and it won’t be the book’s fault. To avoid this, we have appointed reviewers according to their preference and ability for every genre and sub-genre.

Q. I am an author and I wish to send you my book for review. How do I do that?

Please read our review policy and contact us HERE.

Q. What else do you offer authors?
We offer interviews, organize giveaways and actively participate in authors’ blog tours. For more information regarding this, please contact us directly with information about your novel and desired activity.

Q. You are so young! How can I trust you to write a good review?
You don’t. You see and you decide. This website is open for you: please go through as many reviews you want, make note of the reviewer and contact us.

Q. Can I contact any particular reviewer personally?
Yes, you can. At the end of each review, the reviewer’s email address is provided. You can either use that, or specify the desired reviewer’s name when you contact the administrators.
Rest assured, when a book arrives at our doorstep, we go through our list of existing reviewers and hand it over to those who most frequently read the genre.

Q. How many visitors and page views do you get each month?
According to the data of February 2012, we had 1703 visitors and 14037 page views. We have an approximate growth rate of ten percent every month.

Q. Are your reviews published just on this website or anywhere else too?
If the author so requests, we also publish the review on Goodreads. Flipkart doesn’t allow this and we can’t publish it on Amazon because we never shop there.



Q. Are you in collaboration with some writing group/authors/websites?
Yes, with Shriya Garg.

Q. Who sponsors you?
VaultofBooks was hosted by the lovely Isi, now we use BigRock.

Q. I am a huge fan of your website. Is there any way to subscribe for your newsletter?
Yes, the link is in the sidebar. You can also like our page or add us as a friend.


Everything You Wanted to Know About Guest Reviewers

Q. Who is a Guest Reviewer?
A guest reviewer is somebody who is not a permanent member of VaultofBooks, but still writes reviews for us. Sort of a freelancer, you can say. A guest reviewer should turn in his first review within the first week of joining us, but after that, there are no compulsions to write for us.

Q. Who can be a Guest Reviewer?
Anybody, really. Even though this website is basically run by teenagers, we have no restrictions. Anyone who reads a lot and can write a decent review is more than welcome to join.

Q. I have never written a review before, can I be a Guest Reviewer?
Writing a good review is an art and we try to give our readers the very best. If you have never written a review before, we would encourage you to practice writing some and then contact us. But to be honest, everything depends upon the sample review you will be asked to submit.

Q. I don’t know a thing about web-designing. Can I be a Guest Reviewer?
We are advertising for a Guest Reviewer, not a Guest Web-Developer. So don’t worry – we are not expecting a master web-developer. WordPress supports VaultofBooks, but if you are a WordPress-illiterate, do not worry. We have simple tutorials to guide you. And if you’re worried you can’t even do that, you can just email your review to the editors, and we’d upload it under your name.

Q. I work with another website where I have written reviews. Can I post the same here?
No, you can’t. VoB doesn’t accept multiple submissions. Our offer is this: for the review copies you acquire because of Vault of Books (ebooks and otherwise), the reviews should be uploaded only on VoB’s servers. For books you review without any help from VoB, you are free to review on your own blog. Again, if you upload the same review on VoB, the very purpose of this exercise is defeated.

The gist is this: a review should go only to one place. From VoB to VoB, and any personal copies to your blog. We still welcome reviews of books you’ve read because of your own interest, provided you’re not planning to review it on your own blog.

Q. If I become a Guest Reviewer, would you give me books for free to review?
Yes, but not immediately. When we are given a book to review, a certain amount of trust has been posted in us. We can not forward it directly to some new reviewer without testing his mettle. He may never put up the review, and since most of the interaction is done online, there would be little we could do about it.
So new guest reviewers, please don’t expect books to rain down on you as soon as you join.

Q. Can I also interview authors on your behalf?
Sure, but only after informing any of the admins.

Q. Can members of VaultofBooks and GR join giveaways on the website?
Yes, but since most of the winners are randomly selected or chosen by the author of the book, you shouldn’t expect any partial treatment.

Q. I received a book from you for a review. How soon am I expected to put up the review?
Within ten days of receipt, barring any special circumstances. If you don’t, we’ll probably never give you another book.

Q. I received a book from you for a review. I have finished it and put up the review. What do I do with it now?
That is entirely up to you. You don’t have to return it. You can keep it in your bookshelf, donate it, gift it or give away on your blog.

Q. You have plenty of guest reviewers. On what basis do you give books to them to review?
The selection depends upon a variety of factors.

  1. Your speed in putting up the review of the previous books.
  2. The quality of your reviews.
  3. The reviewer’s preferred genre.
  4. Location of the reviewer. Indian reviewers get more books. And those who live in cities where plenty of courier services operate also have an advantage.


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