By Tom Clancy. Grade: B
A man named Mohammad sits in a café in Vienna, about to propose a deal to a Colombian. What if they combined his network of Middle East agents and sympathizers with the Colombian’s drug network in America? The potential for profits would be enormous – and the potential for destruction unimaginable. A young man in suburban Maryland, who has grown up around intrigue, is about to put his skills to the test. Taught the ways of the world firsthand by agents, statesmen, analysts, Secret Servicemen and black-ops specialists, he crosses the radar of “The Campus” – a secret organisation set up to identify local terrorist threats and deal with them by any means necessary. His name is Jack Ryan Jr.
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By Tom Clancy and Martin Greenberg. #2 of Tom Clancy’s Power Plays. Grade: B+
Tom Clancy is a big name in the gaming circles. Being the owner of the game development agency Red Storm Entertainment, he is famous for many biggies in the gaming industry. is one of the novels based on the Red Storm Entertainment computer game.
Roger Gordian has a vested interest in keeping America safe and secure…
August 2000. The new millennium has brought with it a new kind of terrorism…
Encryption technology keeps the codes for world’s security and communication systems top secret. The profit potential is huge – but deregulating this state-of-the art technology for export could put up a back-door key in the front pocket of spies and terrorists around the world.
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