Giveaway: The Racketeer by John Grisham

Giveaway time, folks!

Given the importance of what they do, and the controversies that often surround them, and the violent people they sometimes confront, it is remarkable that in the history of the USA only four active federal judges have been murdered.

The Racketeer: Giveaway

Judge Raymond Fawcett just became number five.

His body was found in the small basement of a lakeside cabin he had built himself and frequently used on weekends. When he did not show up for a trial on Monday morning, his law clerks panicked, called the FBI, and in due course the agents found the crime scene. There was no forced entry, no struggle, just two dead bodies – Judge Fawcett and his young secretary.

I did not know Judge Fawcett, but I know who killed him, and why.

I am a lawyer, and I am in prison.

It’s a long story.

Starting 14th November, any person who comments on ANY review on the website, subscribes to our newsletter (see sidebar on the right) or likes our page on Facebook will be eligible to win one copy of THE RACKETEER.

Contest ends 21st November, midnight IST. Only one entry per person. Every like/comment/subscription will be assigned a number and then one will be chosen randomly using an algorithm at The winners will be contacted and asked for their addresses. Happy commenting!

This post was written by

Shriya Garg – who has written 186 posts on Vault of Books ||.
Reader. Writer. Dreamer. Admin.

Caffeine junkie. Book smeller. Addicted to my laptop. In love with fictional characters.

College student. Aspirant Chartered Accountant. Proud member of the Harry Potter generation.

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  • Nina : Stilted writing. Crappy prose and boring characters. I had to force my

    May 11th, 2013

  • Bhairavi Chitnis : I have read the Missing series... totally loved it... but The Mediator

    May 5th, 2013

  • Bhairavi Chitnis : I liked this book.... nice review, Cami!

    May 5th, 2013

  • Bhairavi Chitnis : you mean TPD, right? i got a bit confused for a moment!

    May 5th, 2013

  • Bhairavi Chitnis : I totally agree with you.... I really had some great expectations from

    May 5th, 2013


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